Liquid Plastics for Roofing

There has been many millions of square metres of single ply and bitumen impregnated roofing systems installed all over Europe over the last fifty or so years. DPM, as an authorized Sika liquid roofing contractor have carried out many roof refurbishments over the last number of years with Sikalastic MTC. Sikalastic MTC is a Polyurethane based, moisture triggered, next generation roofing system specifcally aimed at the refurbishment market.
Key Benefits: Liquid applied, so no hot works - Low odour, zero odour once cured - Can be applied to almost any substrate, broad range of primers available to facilitate this - Roof structure can remain in place, no downtime lost to shops, factories etc - Comprehensive warranties of up to 25yrs available to the end user directly from Sika - Proven track record, product in use with over 25yrs and continues to evolve - Sika technical can provide prospective clients with a comprehensive report on the condition of the existing roofing system
Call us with your specific project details and we can provide you with a detailed report on the condition of your roof and solutions for repair.